Excerpt from Derek’s New Book, The Second Coming of Saturn
By Derek Gilbert
It’s fitting that this book is coming together now. It’s been percolating in my head for a while, but other projects took priority and pushed this one back until recently, when it suddenly became obvious that the timinghttps://www.skywatchtvstore.com/collections/new-arrivals/products/the-second-coming-of-saturn-the-great-conjunction-america-s-temple-and-the-return-of-the-watchers was ideal to buckle down and finish it.
The year 2020 was one few of us will remember fondly. We’ve been locked down, compelled to wear masks in public, seen friends and family members grow ill and, in some cases, die of a disease that didn’t even exist eighteen months ago, as far as we know. Wealthy elites openly campaign to use the COVID-19 pandemic to justify a fundamental transformation of our world. This is the Great Reset initiative promoted by the World Economic Forum, which they tell us would create a utopia in which most of us will own nothing and be happy. Whether they truly believe that or just say they do to sell you and me on the idea is an open question.
Meanwhile, the evening skies above our home featured a rare sight as the two outermost planets visible to the naked eye, Jupiter and Saturn, came within a tenth of a degree of each other on the winter solstice, December 21, 2020. This was the closest conjunction between the two since 1623, and the closest observable conjunction since 1226.[1] Famed astronomer Johannes Kepler thought that this astronomical event might have been the Star of Bethlehem that guided the Magi to the Christ child, although the nearest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction to the birth of Jesus was in 7 BC, too early for the other historical clues in Scripture.[2]
Saturn and Jupiter conjunction, Dec. 21, 2020. Click to enlarge. (Photo Credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls)
That hasn’t stopped the media from dubbing the Great Conjunction “the Christmas Star,” even though the actual event was much less impressive than the Star of Bethlehem depicted on greeting cards. The link between Christmas and the winter solstice, which has been accepted by some well-meaning but misinformed Christians, is certainly more palatable to our secular culture than a connection to God made flesh. Certainly, the principalities and powers behind the scenes prefer that we identify the season with Saturnalia, and the dark god behind it, rather than with Jesus Christ.
We’ll deal with that common misconception in a future article, but for the record: The selection of December 25 as the date to celebrate the birth of Christ had nothing to do with Saturnalia or the winter solstice. Besides, Saturnalia wasn’t always celebrated in December, and it wasn’t even originally named for Saturn.
We Christians understand that our lives are not dictated by the movements of the planets. Astrology, defined as looking to the stars to foretell the future, is forbidden in Scripture,[3] and it’s junk science besides. Still, it’s significant that the Great Conjunction fell exactly one month before the World Economic Forum met to unveil its Great Reset. Why? Because even in our technologically advanced age, astrology still guides the actions and decisions of many otherwise intelligent, productive people. In fact, it’s experiencing something of a boom in recent years. A study by Pew Research found that about a third of Americans between ages eighteen and forty-nine believe in astrology,[4] part of a growing “psychic services” industry that takes in more than $2 billion a year in the United States.[5]
Astrologers call the Great Conjunction of 2020 the “Great Mutation.” Saturn and Jupiter met at 0º of Aquarius, signifying the end of a transition from “earth” signs to “air.” (Yes, more than half a century after the Fifth Dimension released its iconic song, we have, finally, fully entered the Age of Aquarius.) Astrologers claim this signals a shift to a world that’s less materialistic and more decentralized—a transformation into the World Economic Forum’s new socialist order.
In short, it looks like some very powerful people believe the Great Mutation is the trigger for the Great Reset, and they’re working very hard to make it so.
What does Saturn have to do with geopolitics or economic policy? Those who believe our lives are ruled by the stars will tell you that Saturn means a return to reality. Rules, structure, hard work, and the old ways of doing things are ascribed to Saturn. Jupiter, on the other hand, represents spiritual insight and innovation. The conflict between those two is reminiscent of their history in the religions of Greece, Rome, Anatolia (ancient Turkey), Canaan, and Mesopotamia, as revealed in the myths of Zeus and Kronos, Teshub and Kumarbi, Baal and El, and Marduk and Enlil.
To emphasize the point, I repeat: The movement of the planets and the stars across the sky do not have any influence on our lives whatsoever. But important people believe they do, and so it’s worth paying attention. We want to understand what the enemy—by which I mean fallen angels and demons—wants us to think.
Saturn has been known by many names over the years. In Greece, he was Kronos, king of the Titans. To the Phoenicians, he was known as Baal Hammon. The Hittites and Hurrians, who lived in what is today Turkey and the Kurdish regions of northern Syria and Iraq, called him Kumarbi. Canaanites called him El, while their Amorite cousins farther east knew him as Dagan (Dagon of the Philistines). He was Assur, chief god of the Assyrians, and in Akkad and Sumer, he was Enlil.
I’ll piece together evidence to show you that this entity was also Milcom, chief god of the Ammonites, whose name was twisted by the Hebrew prophets into Molech—the abomination who demanded that his followers sacrifice their children in fire, and who convinced Solomon to build a high place on the Mount of Olives that looked down on the Temple of Yahweh.
I will make the case that the ancient world knew him as Shemihazah, leader of a rebellious faction of powerful angels who plotted to corrupt humanity and steal dominion of the earth for their own race of hybrid offspring, the gigantic Nephilim. I’ll show that the cult of the dead Sharon and I documented in our 2019 book Veneration was inspired by this entity, and, thanks to recent archaeological discoveries, we can pinpoint the cult’s historic roots on the Ararat Plain—the land below the mountains where the ark of Noah came to rest.
And I will argue that parallel Scriptures in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 are condemnations of this entity, and not the serpent in the Garden of Eden.
In other words, Lucifer is not Satan—it’s Shemihazah.
If this sounds to you like a fanciful conflation of the Bible with a hodgepodge of ancient myths and legends, you would have been among a small minority in the early church. Christians during the first few centuries after the Resurrection knew that the gods of their pagan neighbors were fallen angels and demons. Paul, for one, was explicit on that point. Further, the early Church Fathers identified the heroes and demigods of Greece and Rome as the Rephaim of Canaan, who were understood to be the demonic spirits of the Nephilim destroyed in the Flood.
The Bible tells us that Saturn/Shemihazah and his co-conspirators are chained in a place of impenetrable darkness, where they will remain until the time of the end. Less than a hundred years after John wrote the book of Revelation, one of the most important early Christian theologians, Irenaeus of Lyon, speculated that the prophesied Antichrist might be called “Teitan,” a variant of “Titan” that numerologically equals 666. Jewish religious scholars who translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Greek about three centuries before the birth of Jesus made the connection obvious by translating the Hebrew word rephaim into titanes and gigantes—“Titans” and “giants.”
The goal of this book is to shed some light on a powerful supernatural rebel who still influences the world today. We’ll examine what the ancients believed about this entity and share some surprising examples of how he is still venerated. Technocrats and secret societies are working to bring to life what they believe is a prophecy more than two thousand years old, composed by the Roman poet Virgil just after the reign of Julius Caesar, less than half a century before the birth of Jesus.
The poet looked ahead to the return of a Golden Age, ushered in by a savior—a boy who would “receive the life of gods” and grow to rule a world at peace. In later years, some Christians tried to interpret the poem as a prophecy of Jesus Christ, but the piece is clearly pagan. Virgil longed for “a new breed of men sent down from heaven” and “heroes with gods commingling,” concepts that are not exactly Christian. They are, however, entirely consistent with the pluralistic, transhuman future envisioned by the globalists at the World Economic Forum.
The relevance of Virgil’s classic work is this: The pagan poet prophesied that this glorious future would arrive when “the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew.” Astrologers, New Agers, occultists, and some of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful people believe this cosmic Great Reset began with the Great Conjunction of December 21, 2020, an event that marked a new beginning; a blessed change from the harsh, iron rule of Jupiter—and the return of old Saturn’s reign.